Niagara Forum: 15-17 May 2023
The Niagara Forum held from 15 to 17 May 2023 in London brought together several members of the Niagara Community and saw a vibrant exchange of ideas, know
The event witnessed excellent plenary sessions and information-packed breakouts led by industry experts highlighting important trends and Niagara innovations.
Team Conexao represented by Kamal Nair (CEO) and Kapil Nair (CTO), had the pleasure of engaging with the Tridium partners, distributors, consultants, and Technology partners, while witnessing the groundbreaking innovations within the BMS industry.
The highlight was the magic of O-Insights Genie, the first ever NLP-based Business Intelligence for BMS in the world. Built for the Niagara platform, O-Insights Genie offers the ease and accuracy to make data-driven business decisions. The entire cutting-edge Native Niagara suite of O-Insights solutions including Gyan was also showcased through the event.