Case Study – SirajPower’s Comprehensive Monitoring Solution: Leveraging the Power of Niagara Framework with O-Insights Workspace

Case Study – SirajPower’s Comprehensive Monitoring Solution: Leveraging the Power of Niagara Framework with O-Insights Workspace

O-Insights in collaboration with Green Optima provided the solution to a leading distributed solar energy provider in the GCC region, SirajPower. We successfully integrated the off-grid hybrid power solution into the O-Insights Workspace, which is based on Tridium’s Niagara Framework.

The integration of various features such as analytics, trends, and reporting services enabled effective monitoring and maintenance of the off-grid power station resulting in significant energy savings and a reduced carbon footprint for SirajPower. This success further solidified Green Optima, O-Insights and Tridium’s position as a key players in the region. The innovative approach has set a new standard for the industry, highlighting the potential for advanced software platforms and remote monitoring solutions to drive sustainability and energy efficiency.
